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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Dean Spanley' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
17 matches in composers
  1. Dean Hurley
  2. Dean Valentine
  3. Dean Kiner
  4. John Dean
  5. Dean Grinsfelder
  6. Dean Parker
  7. Dean Savage
  8. Dean Dinning
  9. Dean Andre
  10. Dean Wareham
  11. Dean Morgan
  12. Dean Reed
  13. Dean Elliott
  14. Friends of Dean Martinez
  15. James Dean Bradfield
  16. Michael Dean Parsons
  17. Emil Dean Zoughby

605 matches in tracks
  1. Dead Man's Curve (02:25)
    from Deadman's Curve
    Both tracks performed by Jan & Dean (Jan Barry & Dean Torrence)
  2. The Submarine Races (02:08)
    from Ride The Wild Surf
    All tracks performed by Jan & Dean (Dean Torrence & Jan Berry)
  3. Billie Sneaks Into Dean & Dean's - Swingin' Uptown (00:54)
    from Lady Sings The Blues
    (composed by Gil Askey)
  4. The Joker is Wild - Jan & Dean (03:12)
    from Batman
    Don Altfeld / Jan Berry / Jill Gibson / Fred Weider (from the album Jan & Dean Meet Batman)
  5. Buttercup A Golden Hair (02:17)
    from Ocean's Eleven
    1+3 Dean Martin with Nelson Riddle and his Orchestra2+4 Dean Martin with Gus Levene his Orchestra and Chorus
  6. The Man In The Mask (End Title) (01:12)
    from Legend Of The Lone Ranger, The
    *Lyrics by Dean Pitchford, Vocal by Merle Haggard / **Lyrics by Dean Pitchard, Narration by Merle Haggard
  7. Flying Colors (00:00)
    from Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
    Written by Dean and Carol Parks. Additional lyrics by Alan O'Day. Vocals by Dean and Carol Parks. Background vocals by Amanda and Acacia Parks.
  8. His Name is Dean (00:45)
    from Iron Giant, The
  9. I Am Sam Dean (04:19)
    from Daybreak
  10. His Name is Dean (00:48)
    from Iron Giant, The
  11. His Name is Dean (00:48)
    from Iron Giant, The
  12. His Name Is Dean (00:47)
    from Iron Giant, The
  13. Cory And Dean (01:57)
    from 21 Jump Street
  14. Annie and Dean (01:17)
    from Iron Giant, The
  15. Annie and Dean (03:10)
    from Overboard
  16. Dean's Reception (00:26)
    from So Fine
  17. The Dean Speaks (02:36)
    from High Time
  18. Do It Yourself (00:00)
    from Bells Are Ringing
    Dean Martin
  19. Dean's Death (01:31)
    from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The: The Beginning
  20. The Dean Speaks (02:38)
    from Hatari!
Show all 605 matching tracks